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Monsieur Inwood

The Booksellers of Paris


The Booksellers of Paris

The soul of Paris

Dear readers,

A book is one of the most beautiful decorative items and I like to play with this concept when I work on interior’s decoration and aesthetics atmosphere. With a book, interiors are charming.  Each book is a shelter for thoughts and contains a special gift. The spirit of talented novelists reveals the identity of an unknown world and make you read great destinies. You turn the leaves of a printed book and you can smell the perfume unveiling old stories and modern fairytales.

The treasures of the Quai de Seine

I think books take a big part in my Architectural work. It is maybe the reason why I like to walk along the Quai de Seine next to the famous « bouquinistes ». There are a lot of classical books, specialiszed magazines, collection of cards… you can discover. It is such an amazing place ! Recognized as world heritage by UNESCO since 2016, « bouquinistes » are the soul of Paris and are settled out along the Seine banks. When I need to walk down, I like to go there because based in the heart of Paris I can finally breathe the Parisian’s soul. You can be inspired by Paris, but Paris needs you to shine. Paris holds the answers and escort you during your trip.

When I comeback to the Hotel Le Tourville, I like to seat at the Library. Here I write down on my diary my sensations and feelings about Paris. As Voltaire said : « writting is like to peint what you say »

See you soon,

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